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  • Writer's pictureChelsea and Chad

Day 34: Salem, MA to Providence, RI

Shining Sea Bikeway - Falmouth, MA

This morning, we packed up our tent for the last time on this trip. For the next week, we will be staying with friends, family, and at air bnbs instead of camping. Today, we drove down to Falmouth, MA, a coastal town a short ferry ride away from Martha’s Vineyard. Our goal was to ride the Shining Sea Bikeway, an old railroad line that was converted into a rail-trail in the 70s. It’s about 22 miles round-trip and passes through woods, marshes and, for some parts, along the coast. There was some wicked traffic as we drove through Boston. We discovered that the highway turns into a tunnel that runs under the city, which was pretty cool to drive though (although we missed seeing any of Boston).

When we arrived at the trailhead, we received multiple severe thunderstorm and flood watch warnings, however, the weather was beautiful. The highlight of the trail was the couple of miles that we rode along the coast and eating lunch in an alcove overlooking the beach. Crazy wind knocked the tripod over multiple times.

After the ride, we headed to Providence for the night to stay at an artsy air bnb in a remodeled Victorian-style house. It was a perfect night to sleep indoors as it poured down rain for a couple of hours.

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